March 22, 2016 meeting
Posted by Katie Rohman
on Mar 22, 2016
Great Plains serves up fiber for Nebraskans
Speaker: Jeff Mason, Great Plains Communications
Jeff Mason, network account manager at Great Plains Communications in Blair, talked about the company's fiber optic services. GPC had about 5,000 miles of fiber optic in Nebraska before the acquisition of Pinpoint Network Solutions and Pinpoint Broadband; it now has 8,000 miles of fiber optic, which makes it the largest fiber optic network in the state.
Mason explained that GPC advertises that its fiber optic lasts about 30 years and is much faster; copper tops out at about 20MB. GPC connects rural hospitals to larger hospitals with fiber optic. It serves about 35 hospitals in Nebraska.
Rotary Student of the Month

Sarah Sheehan is the Blair Rotary Student of the Month. The daughter of Jane and John Sheehan, Sarah is active in dance, track, FBLA, golf, youth group and teaches at the Blair Dance Center. She plans to major in elementary education and minor in Spanish at Minnesota State University, Mankato or at Northwest Missouri State University.